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IEEE Names AUN Professor Ajibesin STEM Ambassador for 2021

IEEE Names AUN Professor Ajibesin STEM Ambassador for 2021

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has named the Founding Interim Dean of the AUN School of Engineering (SoE), Professor Abel Ajibesin as a STEM Ambassador for 2021.

Through its Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) outreach program, the IEEE identifies, educates, and motivates the next generation of technology innovators.

IEEE's Program Specialist, Education Outreach and Activities Lynn Bowlby signed the letter conveying the nomination to Dr. Ajibesin last month.

Assistant Professor Ajibesin was among 80 applicants, each of whom was assessed by three reviewers based on documentation for events/impact, many years providing STEM outreach, serving as an event lead, winning an award, and submitting a program to the Volunteer STEM Portal.

"Our reviewers were inspired by the great work you are doing", IEEE wrote in the letter to Dr. Ajibesin, who is also the Founding Faculty Advisor - AUN-IEEE Student Chapter.

As IEEE Stem Ambassador, Professor Ajibesin is required to conduct one (1) STEM outreach event (in-person or virtual) before December 31, 2021; share his event results in Vtools by December 31, 2021; and submit a STEM outreach program or event to the Volunteer STEM portal by end of the year.



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